30-Day Calisthenics Workout Plan for Beginners

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Are you someone who cannot find the time to hit the gym or does not want to indulge in strenuous exercises but still wants to stay active? Then we are sure you’ll be searching for an exercise form that might help you with it, right? 

You must have also Googled simple ways for beginners to work out. If this search led you here, then let us tell you that you have landed on the right page. Hop on below to learn a solid 30-day calisthenics workout, which can help you stay fit, all while providing easy activities. 

What are Calisthenics?

When thinking of Calisthenics or hearing about it, the first thought that might pop up in your head is probably what it is. Lucky for you, we have this aspect covered.

Calisthenics is body weight resistance exercise. These exercises include but are not limited to squats, chin-ups, lunges, jumping jacks, and push-ups. When performing calisthenic exercises, an individual can use their body weight and gravity as resistance, This in turn helps you develop proper coordination, strength, endurance, and flexibility.

These forms of exercises often include different movements and which depend on various degrees of difficulty. For instance, you can keep your exercises simple by performing easy standard squats. If you want to step up, you can indulge in more difficult calisthenic exercises. 

Individuals can also indulge in gymnastics-style movements in the calisthenic practice. They may also notice some similarities between calisthenics workout plans and complex training styles like CrossFit, etc.

What Benefits Do Calisthenics Provide?

With getting know-how of what Calisthenics is as a beginner, the next step is to know the benefits it provides you. So, let’s hop on to read about the benefits of Calisthenics below:

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No Gym Membership is Required

The best part about Calisthenics is that you can do this training or exercise anytime, anywhere. Hence, you do not need a gym membership or personal trainer. It can instantly boost your mood too.

Safer Workouts

When working out, the most significant risk is getting injured. Exercise injuries can be hazardous, so one should always be cautious. However, with Calisthenics, this is something you should be fine with. Why so? Calisthenics is a bodyweight exercise, and hence, since its focus is majorly on this aspect only, the risk of you getting any form of injury while working out is significantly reduced.

Gain Functional Strength and Mobility

Calisthenics exercises usually consist of compound movements, meaning they work and focus on multiple muscle groups. Hence, these exercises help make your muscles stronger but also can help aid in weight loss and improve their range of motion. All this can help you gain better functional strength and mobility.

Great Full-Body Workout

Calisthenics comes with a wide range of exercises, making workouts much easier. These exercises include push-ups, pull-downs, burpees, and Turkish get-ups, among many others. The activities can be diverse and provide a full-body workout with just bodyweight training. So, you can easily focus on all muscle sectors in your body without worrying about getting injured or tired out.

No Equipment is Needed

Calisthenics is complete body weight movements; hence, you will not require any additional or special equipment for this fitness activity. However, if you want to add a little spice or elevate your exercise threshold, we suggest incorporating some resistance bands, pull-up bars, and weighted vests.

Can You Stay Fit with Calisthenics?

Fitness levels can be notched up if the correct form of calisthenic training is put in. So, yes! A well-planned calisthenics workout does help enhance your fitness levels, but it is not only limited here. This form of training also works best as a whole-body, multi-disciplinary workout. 

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Research conducted in Albuquerque, NM, showed that a high-intensity calisthenics exercise showed the same results in terms of cardiometabolic benefit as any high-intensity interval running would.

Another study in North Dakota showed that calisthenics exercises can also help increase overall muscle strength and thickness if they are structured well in accordance with an individual’s training program. This form of exercise can, hence, ultimately provide adequate strength and aerobic training methods.

How Many Days A Week Should I Train Calisthenics?

The number of days that you put in for your training depends on your fitness level. According to the current calisthenics training recommendation, two days per week is an ideal duration for the calisthenic workout and an appropriate time frame for beginners to kickstart their training.

Intermediate-level trainers can knock it up to 3-5 days, while advanced trainers can carry out Calisthenics for five or more days easily if they have a well-planned program and stamina.

Do You Need Rest Days from Calisthenics?

Committing to a 30-day calisthenics workout plan doesn’t mean that you will have to work out every day. In fact, a properly made circuit chart would provide you with ideal rest days in between a few sessions.

It is essential to prioritize the rest days and not overdo yourself to ensure that your muscles receive optimal recovery after a few workout sessions and heal well. For beginner levels, a rest session of at least 48 hours is ideal. 

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According to the researchers at Kentucky University, an individual’s muscular recovery can be influenced by several factors. Two common ones are the total volume completed along with the individual age. This raised the fact that the average recovery time is also proportional to the total amount of work that an individual puts in a training session.

When the research was completed, it was estimated that 48 hours was an ideal time for optimal muscle recovery after a calisthenics workout session. At the same time, a 24-hour duration was too short depending on the total volume of the body.

Is 30 Minutes of Calisthenics Enough?

According to WebMD, an ideal estimated average for Calisthenics sufficient enough to reduce your calories is around 30 minutes. Yes! You heard us right; only 30 minutes can help even someone who weighs 135 pounds to burn around 145 calories with moderate intensity or 240 high-intensity calisthenics.

Moreover, any individual who weighs around 200 pounds can burn 200 plus calories for the respective intensities that are mentioned above.

How Long Should You Warm Up Before Calisthenics?

According to the University of Rochester, warming up before performing any exercise – including Calisthenics – is essential. This is because a warm-up before any activity can help increase the body temperature, the blow flow, and a range of motions, all while helping you enhance a range of actions.

This enables you to promote and attain better mental preparation for the exercises, which you will carry later on.

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. If all this intrigues you, you want to know how long you should warm up before Calisthenics as a beginner. Well, for beginners, carrying out a five-minute warm-up circuit and five minutes of stationary jogging is recommended. If you want to move up to the advanced levels, you can knock up the same warm-ups for 10 minutes.

How To Utilize a 30-Day Calisthenics Workout Plans?

While committing to a 30-day calisthenics workout may seem daunting initially, it is one of the best decisions you can make for your fitness and health. A complete 30-day plan for calisthenics workouts doesn’t only include exercises, but it also has the proper breaks and other aspects that you should focus on. Here is how you can carry out a full 30-day calisthenics workout for yourself:

1. Choose any 30-day calisthenics plan that suits your needs.

2. Then, follow each day of assigned exercises, rest, or circuit number suggestions.

3. Also, try to find the corresponding circuits for beginners and advanced athletes.

4. Then, religiously follow each circuit’s suggested reps.

5. You can alternate circuits within the same levels if one doesn’t suit you. This will then help you attain a circuit that suits you best.

Circuits to Use in the 30-Day Calisthenics Exercise Plans

Here is a breakdown of the proper workout warm-up for Calisthenics, which you can carry out:

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Dynamic Calisthenics Warm-Up Circuit

Warming up is essential before a calisthenics workout because it helps prevent any injury. For regular calisthenics workouts, a warm-up may include dynamic stretches where the joints and muscles of an individual can easily be stimulated through a range of motions.

However, the question is, what type of warm-up for Calisthenics should you carry out? Well, your warm-up should focus on the body segment you will be training. To make it easier for you, we have divided the warm-ups into two parts of the body:

Upper Body Warm-Up

Here are the warm-up exercises you should carry out for upper-body Calisthenics:

  • Arm circles
  • Shoulder Shrugs (Front)
  • Shoulder Shrugs (Back)
  • Elbow rotations
  • Wrists Rotation
  • Jumping Jacks (Cardio)
  • Chest Fly

Lower Body and Core Warm-Up

Here are the warm-up exercises one should carry out for lower body and core warm-ups:

  • Hip Circles
  • Toe touches
  • Waist twists
  • Knee Rotations (Left and Right)
  • Mountain Climbers (Cardio)
  • Front Kicks

Calisthenics 101: Exercises You Should Try

There are multiple excellent options for calisthenics exercises that any individual can carry out. However, as a beginner, you can only carry out everything at a time. Hence, knowing the best calisthenics exercises you should try as a beginner is essential. Here are a few of the workouts that you should try:

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To carry out push-ups during your calisthenics training effectively, you should follow these steps:

  1. Start on your knees or toes (whichever makes you more comfortable). Place your hands a little outside your shoulders and move on to the next step.
  2. Now, settle your body into a starting position. However, do not sag your back or lift it too high.
  3. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor. Ensure to keep your elbows near your body as well.
  4. Place your upper arms in a 45-degree angle when you are in the lowered position. Now, try pushing your body weight back up to the starting position. Keep your core working during the entire movement.
  5. Carry on this exercise for the mentioned reps in your circuit.

Pulls Ups

Here is how you can carry out pull-ups during a calisthenic workout effectively:

  1. To carry out a pull-up, stand in front of the pull-bar.
  2. The grip on the pull-bar handle from the top. Ensure that you keep your arms and shoulders wide apart.
  3. With your shoulder muscles, pull your body weight upwards and drag your head over and through the pull-up bar.
  4. Repeat as many reps as you can.       

Bodyweight Squats

If you are planning on incorporating body weights into your calisthenic workouts, we suggest you go for it. This is because bodyweight squats are one of the best exercises that are followed in a lot of calisthenic workout plans. Here is how you can carry it out:

  1. Keep your feet shoulder-width away and ensure your toes are turned slightly outward.
  2. Now, ensure that the core is engaged as well, and then start shifting your weight back onto your feet. Also, push your hips up.
  3. Once done, continue to lower your body weight until your body is parallel to the floor. However, ensure that your feet remain flat on the floor while you never lift your heels when squatting.
  4. Lastly, ensure that your spine remains neutral and your chest remains upward. Then, start coming back to the starting position again.


Crunchies are also relatively easy to carry out, and you will only need to follow these steps:

  1. Lay on the ground with the back flat on the floor.
  2. Now, keep your feet flat firmly on the floor.
  3. Fold your hands on the chest all while keeping your neck and head engaged.
  4. Ensure to keep your core firm. Position yourself so that your elbows and chest touch your knees.
  5. Now, with the muscles of your core, pull yourself up; make sure not to strain your neck.


Here are all the steps that you should follow when carrying out a burpee exercise:

  1. Stand in a way that your feet and shoulders are wide apart and balance your weight on the heels.
  2. Now, bend your knees, push your hips backward, and lower your entire body into a squat-like position.
  3. Then, keep your hands with your palms on the floor right before you.
  4. Now, move your weight onto your hands, move your feet back, and then land softly on the balls of your feet in a way that your entire body is in a plank position.
  5. Once done, jump your feet forward to land next to your hands.
  6. Now, push your arms over your head and jump into the air.
  7. Once done, repeat the movements as many times as required on your calisthenic schedule or workout plan.

Calisthenics Workout for Beginners

Now that you know why committing to a 30-day calisthenic workout is a great option, we are sure you want to know an exemplary circuit that can make the best calisthenic workout for a beginner. Well, worry not because we also have this aspect covered for you. 

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Here is a complete table of all the circuits that you should carry out when making up a decision to carry out 30 days of calisthenic:

Circuit 1:

2-3 Sets
8 Inverted rows
8 push-ups
1 minute plank
12 steps-up
8 box jumps
Circuit 4:

2-3 Sets
8 chest-high pull-ups
10 wall push-ups
10 legs raise
10 reverses lunges
1-minute jump rope
Circuit 7:

3-4 Sets
12 chin-ups
10 dynamic push-ups
10 windshield wipers (27)
8 curtsy lunges
8 pistol squats
Circuit 2:

2-3 Sets
8 regular pull-ups
10 dips
8 crunches
8 lunges
6 jump squats (18)
Circuit 5:

2-3 Sets
10 introverted rows
8 diamond push-ups
10 reverse crunches
12 mountain climbers
8 jump squats
Circuit 8:

3-4 sets
12 close-grip pull-ups
10 pike push-ups
8 side planks
8 lateral lunges (19)
1-minute jump rope
Circuit 3:

2-3 Sets
8 chin-ups
1-minute wall handstand
8 butterfly sit-ups
8 leg flutters
Circuit 6:

3-4 Sets
10 superman pulls (11)
8 wall handstand push-ups
10 glute bridges
10 squats
12 jumping jacks
Circuit 9:

3-4 Sets
10 close-grip chin-ups
12 chair dips
10 hollow body crunches
10 Bulgarian split squats
10 half burpees

30-Day Calisthenics Workout Plan at Home for Beginners

Now that you know all the essential circuits that might help you formulate an excellent 30-day calisthenic plan, how will you divide all these circuits between the thirty days, and will you not get tired from constant exercising every day?

Well, the answer is no, you will not get tired. This is because a 30-day calisthenic program doesn’t mean you must indulge in hard-core exercises every day. To start, calisthenic is not an extremely hard-core exercise and mainly focuses only on body weight.

Hence, the chances of you getting tired or injured are slim. Next, along with these exercises, you will also get breaks every few days, which will then help you regain the strength required for re-continuing your practice.

Day 1: Circuit 5Day 7: RestDay 13: RestDay 19: Circuit 10Day 25: Circuit 12
Day 2: RetDay 8: Circuit 8Day 14: RestDay 20: RestDay 26: Rest
Day 3: Circuit 6Day 9: Circuit 5Day 15: Circuit 4Day 21: Circuit 11Day 27: Circuit 11
Day 4: RestDay 10: RestDay 16: Circuit 5Day 22: RestDay 28: Circuit 10
Day 5: Circuit 4Day 11: Circuit 4Day 17: RestDay 23: Circuit 10Day 29: Rest
Day 6: RestDay 12: Circuit 6Day 18: Circuit 11Day 24: RestDay 30: Circuit 12

Is Calisthenics Good for Long-Term Health?

The question many people often wonder about is that while Calisthenics does help with body weight; is it sufficient enough to maintain long-term health? Well, the answer is yes! Calisthenics training for sure supports positive long-term health. 

According to the Cleveland Clinic, calisthenics exercises can help improve posture and support a healthy body mass. Moreover, anyone indulging in calisthenics exercises can quickly improve balance and coordination!

Additionally, as mentioned above, Calisthenics can also help prevent the risks of injury. Hence, one can decipher that Calisthenics can help maintain adequate long-term health.

Should I Do Calisthenics 3 Times a Week?

One of the main questions many beginners have when they plan to take Calisthenics is how many times a week, they should carry out these exercises.

This may also be the same question looming in your head.  As beginners and intermediate individuals, you can carry out Calisthenics three days per week, as stated by Medical News Today

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However, allowing your body to rest for 48 hours between each calisthenic is essential to ensure that your body receives the optimal recovery and growth it requires.

So, you upgrade your calisthenics level to advanced, we suggest you move your exercises to 5 days a week with around 30-45 minutes of workouts, a recommended time by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Why is Calisthenics Harder Than Bodybuilding?

We are sure that while searching about Calisthenics, you must have read at one or multiple places that it is harder compared to regular bodybuilding. We are sure it might have left you questioning whether it is true or not, right? The answer is yes! It is true. 

Calisthenics can be harder than regular bodybuilding because of how an individual has to lift their body weight. While Calisthenics can help an individual build their lean muscles and improve their muscular endurance along with their aerobic condition, bodybuilding doesn’t work on all this.

In comparision, bodybuilding focuses more on developing an aesthetic body composition, which at times can be far easier to attain than the phenomena Calisthenics provides.

Wrapping It Up!

If you plan on starting a 30-day calisthenics workout, we hope this article was sufficient to convince you to create one day. We tried to narrow down and help you understand everything that can come in handy when trying to know about a calisthenic workout, along with a proper breakdown of all exercises that you should include in each circuit and all days on which you should implement those circuits. 

Moreover, the workout plans we designed above for you are made to help you re-adjust and customize them according to your preferences and requirements. You can easily enhance your fitness, strength, and endurance through a calisthenic workout. We hope this article was helpful, and good luck with starting your training today!


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