5-Day Workout Routine

5-Day Workout Routine post thumbnail

An increasing number of people are using exercise to enhance their health markers and sculpt a toned figure. However, confusion and disorientation can occasionally result from the variety of training methods available. Which exercise regimen is best for you, how often should you train each week, and how should the burden be divided?

5 day workout routine

Never give up: you still have a fair chance of succeeding even if you are unable to pay a personal trainer. This post discusses the benefits and drawbacks of a divided five-day routine and offers the top five-day training schedule for gaining muscle and dropping additional weight.

If you’re looking for even more variety in your fitness journey, or if you’re ready to challenge yourself with daily workouts, be sure to check out our comprehensive 7-Day Workout Routine blog. This guide provides an expanded routine for those looking to maximize their fitness regimen every day of the week. Click here to elevate your workout plan and achieve your ultimate fitness goals.

5 day workout routine


A 5-day workout routine is the best strength training regimen you could give your body. You can modify this 5-day exercise program to fit your own strength training and bodybuilding objectives.

By adhering to this strength training circuit five days a week, you’ll be engaging in a structured five-day exercise split. Now you have two days off to recover or two more days to add cardio training!

The plan is to focus on a specific muscle group on each day of your training week. By designing unique circuits for each day, you can carefully choose which muscles you wish to work out. When you work out specific muscle groups together, like the back and core, you can take major rest days in between.

people in the gym working out with dumbell

Instead of exercising your entire body five days a week, you focus on certain muscle groups every day. This enables you to gain muscle more quickly without becoming tired or hurt since it provides your body more time to heal.

  • Day 1: Chest
  • Day 2: Back
  • Day 3: Legs
  • Day 4: Shoulders and Traps
  • Day 5: Arms
  • Day 6: Rest
  • Day 7: Rest

An example of a five-day exercise schedule would resemble this: The fundamental concept is that a muscle grows for two to three days after intense training. Your performance will suffer if you work a muscle every day since you won’t be fully recovered. A muscle will remain stagnant and not grow if you wait more than three to four days to train it again.


Because it allows you to maximize training volume and concentration on each major muscle group while providing you with just enough rest days each week, a 5-day split is undoubtedly the ideal exercise split for muscle gain.

The bulk of people just cannot get by with one day of rest per week; only extremely advanced trainees should be undertaking six-day splits. 

guy doing a deadlift in the gym


Since nutrition plays a major role in weight loss, any workout split can be beneficial.

Simply eating at a deficit and, ideally, doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or cardio after a workout will help you lose weight.

Because it will allow you to maintain as much muscle as possible, a 5-day split that includes lots of cardio will be fantastic for fat loss. Your body will become an even more efficient fat-burning machine the more muscle you have. 


people working out in the gym

A five-day training split is a great option for anyone wishing to strengthen their weaker body parts or improve targeted areas because it allows for additional concentration on particular muscle groups. The 5-day split can assist you in addressing your shortcomings and achieving balanced muscle development in the following ways:

Increased Training Volume

The 5-day split permits an increase in training volume by focusing an entire workout session on a single muscle group or by pairing complementary muscle groups. Greater volume stimulates the targeted muscles’ growth more, which results in higher total gains.

Better Muscle Activation

By concentrating on specific muscle parts throughout each training session, you can optimize muscle activation by refining your mind-muscle relationship. Better overall development and more effective muscle recruitment may result from this enhanced activation.

Enhanced Fitness

As already known, physical activity always helps to improve your fitness and overall health. If you routinely follow this 5-day workout routine, you will improve your respiratory, cardiovascular, and muscular health. Regularly facing a challenge through this structured workout routine makes the body resilient and adaptive which results in improved stamina. Your metabolism improves and you will have a lesser risk for chronic diseases including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

You will also have a better mental health. Your stress levels will reduce. You will have a better mood and your brain performance will also improve. You will hopefully develop a positive outlook in life. 

Routines Can Be Tailored

The 5-day split gives you a lot of flexibility to customize your routines to focus on particular muscle groups or underdeveloped body areas that require more care. You may correct any imbalances that might be preventing you from progressing and guarantee balanced muscular development by giving these regions priority.

Variety of Training Methods

You can use a range of training methods, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT), drop sets, and supersets, in the 5-day split. You may address lagging body areas and successfully boost growth in selected muscle groups by implementing these approaches into your workouts.

Progress tracking

It’s simpler to monitor your development for particular muscle groups with the 5-day split. You may more precisely track your strength and muscular growth by doing exercises that target the same muscle groups on the same day every week. You can then make adjustments as necessary to keep pushing yourself to new heights.


This is an example of a 5-day training plan that focuses on various muscle groups every day. This program assumes a basic degree of fitness, but you can modify the exercises and level of intensity to suit your goals and level of fitness:

dumbells in the gym

Day 1: Chest

Bench Press With An Incline: 4 Sets x 8–10 Reps

Bench Press with a Flat Dumbbell: 4 sets x 8–10 reps

3 sets of 10–12 repetitions for weighted dips

Cable Flys: 3 sets of 12–15 repetitions

Push-ups: 3 sets until you fail

On a slanted bench, lie flat. Maintain a neutral back and flat feet on the ground. Hold the barbell with your hands about 1.5 times wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows to remove the barbell from the rack. Lifting the barbell away from your chest, reverse the motion. To maintain good balance, keep your elbows beneath the bar at all times. Remind yourself not to hunch over or tilt your head forward.  

Day 2: Back

Reps for deadlifts: 4 sets x 6–8

Reps for pull-ups: 4 sets of 8–10

Chestnut Rows: 4 sets of 8–10 repetitions

3 sets of 10–12 repetitions for lat pulldowns

3 sets of 12–15 repetitions for seated cable rows

Place your midfoot beneath the barbell as you stand. Reach over and take a shoulder-width hold of the bar. Your shins should touch the bar when you bend your knees. Raise your torso and extend your lower back. Breathe deeply, hold it, and raise yourself up with the weight. 

Day 3: Legs

6-8 reps, 4 sets of squats

Leg Press: 8–10 reps in 4 sets

4 sets of 8–10 repetitions for Romanian deadlifts

Leg Extensions: Three Sets, Ten to Twelve Reps

Leg curls while lying down: 3 sets of 10–12 reps

Bench Presses: 4 sets x 12–15 repetitions

Place your feet hip-width apart and stand upright. Pull in your abdominal muscles.

Draw yourself down, as though in an unseen chair. Lift yourself back up by straightening your legs. Carry out the motion again. 

Day 4: Shoulders and Traps

Bench Press with a Seated Dumbbell: 4 sets x 8–10 repetitions

Side Lunges: 4 sets x 10–12 repetitions

Rear DeltFlys with Bent Over: 4 sets of 10–12 reps

Bench Press : 4 sets x 8–10 repetitions

Face Pulls: Three Sets, 12–15 Reps

‍With a straight back and a dumbbell in each hand, take a seat on a bench. With your palms pointing front, raise the dumbbells upward after resting them on your thighs. Throughout the exercise, make sure to maintain a straight back and an engaged core. Once you’ve completed the required number of repetitions, lower the dumbbells back down to your thighs. 

Day 5: Arms

Close-Handed Bench Press: 8–10 reps in 4 sets

Bench Press: 4 sets x 8–10 repetitions

Reps: 3 sets of 10–12 skull crushers

3 sets of 10–12 repetitions for hammer curls 

Bench Press Exercises: 3 sets x 12–15 repetitions

Focus Curls: three sets of 12–15 repetitions‍

Laying down on a bench, align your eyes to be behind or parallel to the barbell. Hold the barbell tightly, keeping your distance from the shoulder. Pull your shoulder blades onto the bench and press through your feet to retract your shoulder blades.

person doing bicep curls in the gym


To train as efficiently as possible, you must take breaks in between sets. Your body will tire out too soon if you don’t take breaks, therefore it’s critical to time your naps to best meet your objectives. It is thought that 1-2 minutes of rest in between sets is ideal for building muscle and increasing endurance, and 3-5 minutes for building strength. If you rest for longer than five minutes, you will probably cool down. Keep in mind that getting enough sleep in between sessions is as important because muscle building happens during this time, not during exercise. The finest five-day workout for beginners should also have enough rest periods to prevent overstretching of your body.


Progressive overload

Progressive overload is the main theme of the 5-Day Outlift split. Every workout, try your hardest to surpass yourself, especially on the first rep.

Exercise selection

Pick activities based on your goals and your body. If dips are your preference, opt for them over bench presses. For those who favor leg presses, choose them instead of front squats. And if t-bar rows are more to your liking, select them over chin-ups.


By default, each workout consists of four to five exercises. This is usually the greatest place to start, based on our experience testing these routines on customers and ourselves.


At the first exercise of every workout, the objective is to progressively get stronger. Increase the weight if your previous workout’s rep goal was met. Aim for a higher total rep count than the previous session if you’re still aiming to add more reps. Try to accomplish 40+ reps this workout, for instance, if your previous workout consisted of 12, 10, 9, and 8 reps (39 reps).

Rest periods

Between sets, take a one to two-minute break if you’re supersetting the exercises. Between sets, if you’re not super setting, take a two to four-minute break. For smaller activities, use shorter rest periods; for larger exercises, use longer rest periods.

girl spotting another guy in the gym 5 day workout routine

Reps Reserved

For most exercises, leave 0–2 reps reserved. In earlier sets, go easy, and in later sets, push yourself closer to failure.


It is advisable to arrange your relaxation days following the Deadlift and Chin-Up days. In this manner, before you train your back muscles once more, they will have more time to heal. But the muscles in the back are quite strong. You’ll be OK if you work out Monday through Friday.

Diet for Building Muscle

To support muscular growth, you must eat adequate food. Your body fat can provide you with more energy whether you are above your desired weight or under it. If you’re skinny or lean, you’ll need to put on weight in order to obtain that energy from meals. Having proper nutrition and staying hydrated is crucially needed for getting the maximum benefits from this routine. Your performance, recovery, and achievement of your fitness goals all need this.

Listen To Your Body

For consistently going on with your 5-day workout routine, you must listen to your body signals such as discomfort, fatigue, and soreness. Make little changes in your intensity, frequency, and duration accordingly. This will help you avoid burnout, and prevent injury.

Have A Supportive Environment

To stay motivated to achieve your fitness goals, you need a supportive environment too. Otherwise, small setbacks will decrease your morale and make it hard for you to continue on this journey. Find friends, family members, online forums, or workout buddies who help you stay on track. Anyhow just in case this is not possible, you have to be strong enough internally to keep going and be your own competitor by keeping focus on your goals.  


1. What is a 5-Day Workout Routine?

A 5-Day Workout Routine is a structured exercise plan where you engage in strength training circuits five days a week, each day focusing on a different muscle group. This allows for targeted workouts and ample recovery time.

2. How does a 5-Day Split support muscle building?

The 5-Day Split is ideal for muscle building as it allows for maximum training volume and focus on each major muscle group, ensuring enough rest days for recovery, which is crucial for muscle growth.

3. Can a 5-Day Split aid in weight loss?

Yes, a 5-day Split can aid in weight loss when combined with a calorie deficit and cardio exercises. It helps maintain muscle mass, which in turn enhances fat-burning efficiency.

4. What are the benefits of a 5-day Workout Routine?

The benefits include increased training volume, better muscle activation, enhanced fitness, customizable routines, a variety of training methods, and easier progress tracking.

5. How can I customize the 5-Day Workout Routine to my needs?

You can adjust the exercises, intensity, and volume based on your fitness level and goals. Focus on underdeveloped areas or specific muscle groups you wish to improve.

6. What should my rest periods be between sets?

Optimal rest periods vary based on the goal: 1-2 minutes for endurance and muscle building, and 3-5 minutes for strength. Rest days are also crucial for recovery.

7. How important is nutrition in the 5-Day Workout Routine?

Proper nutrition is essential for muscle growth and recovery. Ensure a balanced diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, and stay hydrated.

8. What if I experience discomfort or fatigue during the routine?

Listen to your body and adjust the intensity, frequency, and duration of your workouts. It’s important to avoid overtraining and injury.

9. How can I stay motivated to follow the 5-Day Workout Routine?

Create a supportive environment with friends, family, or workout buddies. Set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate achievements.

10. What should I do if I miss a workout day?

It’s okay to miss a day; just continue with the routine as planned. Avoid compensating by overtraining the next day to prevent burnout and injury.


The  5-day workout routine targets your entire body every week. Just make sure you consume lots of protein (meat or plant-based) as it is required to produce energy. You may engage major muscle groups like your back, core, chest, arms, and legs to their full potential while giving each group appropriate recuperation and rest time between sessions. The 5-day split is tough, with only two full rest days each week. The 5-day training split requires dedication, but it is the most effective strategy to develop muscle and burn fat quickly. Why not save our ideal 5-day workout split routine and try this intense workout plan next week?

If you found our “5-Day Workout Routine” guide helpful, you might be interested in exploring more of our fitness-related content. Dive deeper into your fitness journey with our comprehensive guide on “How to Build Muscle Fast?” where we share expert tips and strategies for quick muscle gains.

For those looking to give the perfect gift to a fitness lover, our “Best 11 Thoughtful Gifts for Fitness Enthusiasts” article has you covered with unique and practical ideas. Stay ahead of the curve with our review of “The 5 Best Fitness Apps in 2024,” offering you the latest in fitness technology to keep your workouts efficient and engaging.

Don’t overlook the importance of heart health; our “The 5 Best Exercises for Heart Health” post outlines key workouts to keep your heart strong. Lastly, boost your workout naturally with our insights in “The Best Natural Pre-Workout,” ensuring you’re energized and ready to hit your fitness goals. Explore these resources to enhance your fitness routine and overall well-being.

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