7-Day Workout Routine

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When it comes to bodybuilding and muscle and strength increases, rest and recovery are essential components of any training regimen; but, bursts of intense physical activity with little rest and recovery time can also be advantageous. If you are seeking an ultimate weekly workout plan, like a 7-Day Workout Routine, to train in an organized manner and get the most out of your training, I can assist you.

workout routine

In this article, I’ve given five 7-day gym training routines for beginners and experienced lifters, as well as muscle building and weight loss.

What is a 7-Day Workout Routine?

A 7-day split involves some type of weight training every day. The approach is extremely hard and not suitable for everyone because it necessitates a thorough understanding of correct programming and fatigue management. 

Dedicating yourself to everyday exercise is difficult since it demands discipline and plenty of free time. People who are accustomed to high-frequency training, have a strong desire to push their limits, and have ample free time can still make good progress with a 7-day split. 

Daily training is hard, but it provides several benefits when done right. One of the most noticeable advantages is that more frequent training allows for shorter and less strenuous workout sessions. As a result, you feel less fatigued after exercise sessions and may better control muscular discomfort. 

Workout Schedule 

leg workout routine

The instructions for the entire week of advanced training are provided here. Five of those days are dedicated to lifting, while the other two are for rest. As previously said, you should be active on rest days. It will be like this:

  • Day 1: Upper Body Strength
  • Day 2: Lower Body Strength
  • Day 3: Active Recovery
  • Day 4: Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
  • Day 5: Pull Day (Back, Biceps)
  • Day 6: Legs and Glutes
  • Day 7: Rest and Recovery Day

Is a Seven-Day Workout Split a Good Idea?

To avoid burnout and maximize success, a 7-day workout split requires diligent attention to recovery and continuous daily training. It might not be appropriate for everyone, even while it works for some people who are willing to put in the time and effort.

The key to success is controlling training volume carefully, mixing hard and easy workouts, and giving adequate sleep and nutrition a priority. A 7-day split routine requires careful preparation, moderation, and an all-encompassing approach to training and recovery in order to succeed.

Benefits of Seven-Day Workout Split

For those who have the time and commitment, a seven-day workout split might have several advantages. 

  • You can organize your training in a variety of ways, including using upper/lower, push/pull/legs, or body component split principles.
  • Because you’re exercising regularly enough, each session can be shorter and less taxing, preventing you from feeling too weary by the time you’re done.
  • More frequent training is excellent for managing muscular soreness because of the repeated bout effect.
  • A 7-day split is effective for training all main muscle groups frequently enough and providing the essential growth stimulus
  • Training the primary exercises (deadlift, bench press, squat, etc.) on a daily basis is the greatest way to get the necessary practice for optimum strength gain.

Daily training may be an effective option for incorporating regular training into your schedule and maintaining the momentum gained from a lower-frequency technique, such as a 4-day split.

Drawbacks of Training Seven Days a Week

Training seven days a week has advantages, but many lifters should consider whether the benefits exceed the disadvantages.

It is vital to emphasize that the desired effects of training (muscle gain, strength building, and fat loss) are achieved outside of the gym, through food, recovery, or sleep.

If you already exercise 5-6 days a week, adding an extra session may be advantageous, but it might also detract from your ability to perform high-quality workouts on the other days.

Warming Up

warmup workout routine

To avoid injury, warm up for five to ten minutes before each session. Try performing dynamic stretches to move your joints and increase blood flow to your muscles, including high knees and butt kicks. Stretch your muscles or go for a leisurely walk to safely return your heart rate to normal after your workout.


Carefully planning a seven-day workout schedule will guarantee both balanced training and sufficient recovery. Here is an example timetable:

Day 1: Upper Body Strength

Hold a dumbbell with your palm facing up to perform a biceps curl. Bend your elbow and curl the weight up slowly, keeping your elbow close to your body. After that, gradually reduce the weight to its initial position. The muscles in the front of your upper arm will be tense.

Day 2: Lower Body Strength

  • Lunges: 3 sets x 8-10 reps per leg

Step up to and under a barbell with your feet angled slightly outward, at hip-width apart. Bend over and grip the barbell with both hands at shoulder width. Bend your knees until the bar almost touches your shins. Reverse your movement until the bar returns to its starting place on the ground. 

Day 3: Active Recovery

Position your hands in front of your shoulders, knees hip-width apart (or wider if more comfortable), and your big toes touching while kneeling on your hands and knees. Place your arms with your palms facing up next to your thighs. Breathe slowly a few times while releasing the muscles surrounding your hips and spine. 

Day 4: Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

On a slanted bench, lie flat. Keep your feet flat on the ground and your spine neutral. Hold the barbell with your hands about 1.5 times wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows to remove the barbell from the rack. Lifting the barbell away from your chest, reverse the motion. 

Day 5: Pull Day (Back, Biceps)

Maintaining proper stance, place dumbbells by your sides with their ends pointing front, resembling a hammer in each hand. With your elbow tucked in at your side, raise the right dumbbell to your right shoulder and then lower it. For the duration of the workout, switch between the left and right arms.

Day 6: Legs and Glutes Hypertrophy

Place your feet hip-width apart and stand upright. Contract the muscles in your abdomen. Lower yourself as though seated in an unseen chair. Lift yourself back up by straightening your legs. Carry out the motion again. 

Day 7: Rest and Recovery Day

  • Rest day or light activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming
  • Give your body time to heal as you honor your hard-earned week of effort. Stretching and yoga are good ways to keep your muscles from becoming overly rigid and painful.
  • It’s acceptable to get a day off entirely. Our weekly schedule should include both active and leisurely days off, whether it’s watching Netflix or reading a book on the couch. It’s crucial that you pay attention to your body. 

Appropriate sleep, hydration, and a healthy diet are essential for healing and advancement. Always pay attention to your body’s needs and get advice from a fitness expert before beginning a new exercise regimen.

Tips For 7-Day Workout Routine

1) Get warmed up

It is imperative that you warm up before lifting weights since this will improve blood flow and enable your muscles to utilize oxygen more effectively. It can lessen the likelihood of getting hurt as well.

To raise your heart rate, try some aerobic exercises like bodyweight squats, jumping rope, treadmill jogs, pushups, or stationary cycling for five to ten minutes.

abs workout routine

2) Range of Reps and Sets

For bodybuilding, the range of recommended reps and sets is 8 to 12 and 3–4. However, you can also alter the number of sets and repetitions based on your objectives.

Performing high-rep, lightweight sets in the first session and low-rep, heavyweight sets in the second is the ideal course of action.

If you train your chest twice a week, for instance, you may perform a heavyweight low rep set on the second day and a higher rep set on the first.

3) Take a Break Between Sets

One to three minutes is the ideal amount of rest in between sets. For isolation workouts, 1-2 minutes is enough rest; for complex exercises, 2-3 minutes is the best amount of time.

4) How Much Weight Is Appropriate to Lift?

You are free to lift anything heavy. It’s advisable to begin with lower weights and work your way up to the second and third sets with a heavier load.

According to a study, low-load training improves muscle endurance, moderate-load training promotes muscle growth, and heavy-load training helps boost maximal strength. In light of this, you are able to lift the weight.

5) Stretching After Exercise

Stretching for five to ten minutes after a workout will help you calm down, improve flexibility, increase mobility, lower your risk of injury, and release tension in your muscles.

You can perform lunging hip flexor stretch, cobra posture, cat-cow, superman pull, and standing and sitting bend forward, among other exercises.

6) Progressive Overload

You can build muscle over time by progressively increasing the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training.

7) Suggested Diet

Exercise and nutrition go hand in hand when it comes to bodybuilding.

For muscles to grow, the right ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fats must be fed. The study offers dietary recommendations for improving physical appearance.

Protein: 1.8–2.5 g/kg per day

3–5 g/kg of carbohydrates per day

0.5–1.5 g/kg/day of fats

You can include protein in a variety of meals, but particularly in your post-workout and breakfast meals. Many foods, including chicken, eggs, cattle, fish, poultry, turkey, soy chunks, etc are sources of protein. Select sources that give fast-digesting protein and combine them with glycogen. This helps you with the repair of your muscles and replenishes glycogen.  

If you can’t fulfill your protein needs from foods, you can use whey isolate protein that can help you recover damaged muscle and may support muscle growth allowing you to get maximum benefits from your training.

Also, an important factor here is hydration. It is critically needed for your best performance. To maintain your electrolyte balance, stay energetic, make up for the lost fluids, and have a quick recovery, make sure to have good fluid intake before the workout, during the workout, and after the workout. 

8) Prioritize Recovery

Don’t ignore the recovery period. It is a significant part of your workout and as much needed as your training. The recovery practices such as massage therapy or foam rolling let you enhance your flexibility, and reduce the tension of your muscles.

Focus on your sleep quality and quantity. You must go for a 7-8 hour good night sleep and this will help you with your muscle recovery and improve your overall well-being too. Implementing these recovery tips into your schedule makes it possible for you to start again with your full strength. 

8) Learn to Prevent Injury

Yes, this is also something which you can learn. For the different workouts according to this routine, a proper form is needed. You must take your time and learn the different movement patterns of this routine. For each repetition, you must maintain your stability and alignment.

By doing corrective exercises and mobility drills as part of warming up lets you target specific vulnerable areas and enhance the integrity of your joints too which helps reduce the risk of injury. Also, make it a point to progress based on your body’s signals. 

Consistency and moderation will make you achieve more fitness goals than fast jumps. Increase the intensity slowly and this will help avoid excess load on your muscles preventing the chance of injuries, sprains, and strains.  


1. What is a 7-Day Workout Routine?

A 7-day workout routine involves engaging in some form of weight training every day of the week. It’s a rigorous approach that demands a deep understanding of programming and fatigue management and is not suitable for everyone. It requires discipline, and significant free time, and is best for those accustomed to high-frequency training.

2. How is the 7-Day Workout Schedule Organized?

The 7-day workout plan includes five days dedicated to weight lifting and two days for rest and recovery.

The lifting days focus on different muscle groups or training styles, such as upper body strength, lower body strength, push and pull days, and leg and glute workouts. Rest days should still involve light, active recovery exercises.

3. Is a 7-Day Workout Split Beneficial?

Yes, a 7-day workout split can offer several benefits, including the ability to have shorter, less intense training sessions, frequent training that can help manage muscle soreness, and ample opportunity to train all major muscle groups regularly.

It requires careful planning to ensure balanced training and sufficient recovery.

4. What are the Drawbacks of Training Seven Days a Week?

Training every day can be challenging and may not be sustainable for everyone. It’s crucial to balance training with adequate nutrition, sleep, and recovery to prevent burnout and ensure the body can rebuild and strengthen.

Overtraining can also detract from the quality of workouts.

5. How Should I Warm Up for the 7-Day Workout Routine?

Warming up is essential to prevent injury and prepare the body for exercise. A good warm-up includes 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching or light aerobic exercises to increase blood flow and flexibility.

Post-workout, cool down with stretching to aid recovery and maintain muscle health.

6. How Important is Diet and Hydration in the 7-Day Workout Routine?

Diet and hydration are crucial components of any workout routine. Consuming the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, along with staying well-hydrated, supports muscle growth, recovery, and overall performance.

Consider supplementing with protein if dietary intake is insufficient.


Before we continue, let me make it clear that this kind of training is not sustainable. Its main purpose is to help you overcome natural plateaus, strengthen weaker muscle groups, and possibly burn off unsightly body fat that you are unable to lose on your own.

To assist your body resetting itself, ideally, stick to this regimen for no more than six weeks, and then take a full week break from exercise. Always listen to what your body is trying to say and don’t be too hard on it, rather stay in moderation and balance.

Don’t think this journey of fitness is a burden but make it enjoyable and enhance your health and well-being. 

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2 thoughts on “7-Day Workout Routine”

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    1. Manali Patil says:

      Thank you Laurel! Appreciate your support.
      Let me know if there are any interesting topics that I can cover or if you have any question!
      Happy to Help

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