Do you dream of having fit abs? Are you looking for the best exercise that can help you have well-developed abs? Well! exercises targeting your abs hold a significant position in the fitness world. This is because of their potential to improve your core strength and give you a toned midsection. 

Not only this but when you have fit abs, your overall physical health and functional fitness also improve. You have a better posture, your body is well-coordinated and balanced and you are also more resilient against injuries during your athletics resulting in better performance.

 gym doing abs exercise in the gym

This article will explore the best exercises for abs and help you strengthen your core. It will also mention different abdominal muscles and strategies for effective workouts for abs. 

Let’s First Understand the Abdominal Muscles

To maintain fit abs, you need to target the different areas of the abdomen. Here are mentioned some important areas of your abdominal region. 

  • Rectus Abdominis: Your six packs, the front vertical abdomen muscles. They particularly help you in bending forward. 
  • External And Internal Obliques: At the sides of your rectus abdominis are these obliques, one externally and the other internal which let your trunk rotate and move sideways. 
  • Transverse Abdominis: These muscles are deep inside the abdominal wall and make a horizontal wrap around your abdomen. Your abdominal contents are compressed and protected with these muscles. 

Doing exercises like planks, crunches, and twists can strengthen and condition these abs muscles and improve the balance, stability, and functional movement of your body. 

What You Need To Keep In Mind For Choosing The Best Exercises for Abs?

Choosing the best exercises for your abs is necessary for getting the most effective results in terms of your abs fitness and for avoiding injuries. Let’s first see what factors can help you in choosing the best exercises for abs. 

  • Choose Exercises According To The Target Area: If you are working on having six packs, you must select exercises that help you develop these muscles such as crunches and leg raises. For obliques, Russian twists and side plank variations can work effectively whereas for transverse abdominis, planks and bird-dogs are good. 
  • Include Variety and Flexibility In Your Routine: Select a variety of exercises targeting different movements and angles and those that can be modified according to your fitness level. This is to prevent boredom and plateauing and to help you in achieving your new fitness goals. 
abs exercise guy doing plank
  • Equipment or No Equipment: First, decide whether you want to go for bodyweight exercises or those that need specific equipment such as gym machines, or stability balls. Better is to select those exercises that require the equipment in your reach so that you can regularly work out according to your selected routine.  
  • Go For Exercises Mimicking Your Everyday Movements: Choose exercises that copy daily movements and this will help you increase your overall stability and functional strength. You will also be at less risk for injuries during your everyday activities.

What Can Be Some Tips That Can Make Your Abdominal Workouts More Effective?

To get the maximum effectiveness of your workouts and prevent injuries, you must consider these tips. 

  • Learn Proper Technique And Maintain Form: Implement the right technique for each workout and maintain proper form throughout your workout. This will prevent straining of your hips, back, and neck. 
  • Increase Intensity With Time: Start with the exercises that align with your current fitness level. Progress slowly by increasing the intensity and difficulty of your workouts. Increase the number of cycles, add resistance, or move to more challenging variations of that workout. Just avoid making rapid changes, rather go with a gradual approach. 
  • Have Warm-Up And Cool-Down Session: You must prepare your muscles before starting your abdominal workouts and for that have a warm-up session at the start. Similarly, rest in between your workout with a cool-down session to prevent muscle soreness and let the body recover. 
  • Work on Your Overall Fitness: To stay fit, along with working on your abs, go for an overall approach that includes everything from strength training and cardio to rest and recovery.
  • Pay Attention to Your Body’s Response: If you feel any extreme discomfort or persistent pain while doing your abdominal workouts, you must consult your fitness expert to make the necessary adjustments. 
  • Focus on Your Breathing: When you are doing your abdominal workouts, always focus on the rhythm of your breathing and promote proper breathing mechanics. Exhale while exerting and inhale while relaxing.

What Can Be Some Best Exercises For Abs?

Here are some best exercises that you can do to develop your abdominal muscles. 


The three types of crunches you can try are: 


They are for getting your six packs as they target the front vertical rectus abdominis muscles. For doing traditional crunches, you simply lie down on your back, bend your knees, put your hands under your head with your fingers interlocked, and raise your shoulders and head above the ground and then back. This will engage your core muscles and put pressure over there. 


These crunches target more areas of the abdomen including the upper and lower abs and obliques too for toning and tightening them. For doing bicycle crunches, do the same steps as simple crunches with only the difference that in bicycle crunches, you have to bring close or touch your right elbow to your left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee, and the cycle continues like this. 

best abs exercise in the gym


These crunches work on your lower abs muscles and strengthen them. They are slightly different from the other two crunches mentioned above. For doing reverse crunches, lie down on your back, bend your legs at 90 degrees, raise your hips above the ground, and contract your lower abdomen. 


The three variations of planks you can try are: 

Standard: This plank is great for giving stability to your core. To do this, go in a push-up position, rest on your toes and forearms, and maintain a straight body from your head to your feet while feeling pressure on your abdominal muscles. 

Side: This plank is for your obliques and it enhances our lateral stability. To do this, lie on one of your sides, you have to support your body on your forearm and raise your hips above the ground while maintaining a straight body from head to feet. 

side-plank abs exercise

With Left Lift: You can go for different plank variations too with different intensities and targeted muscle groups and see whichever works best for you. For doing planks with a left lift, go in the standard plank position, and raise one leg above the ground. While doing this, don’t rotate or bulge downward your hips, and maintain a stable core. 

Leg Raises


These leg raises target your lower abdominal muscles. To do this, you need a stable overhead bar. Grasp that bar with your hands and hang from that bar. While hanging, raise your legs closer to your chest while keeping them controlled and straight. 

hanging leg raises best abs exercises


This workout is also for your lower abs. To do this, lie down on a mat with your face facing the ground or mat, move your arms overhead or under your face with fingers interlocked, raise your right leg and upper body, hold for a while, and then do the same step with your other leg. 

Flutter Kicks

This dynamic exercise involves your entire core but more specifically your lower abdominal muscles. To do this, lie flat on your back, raise your legs above the ground, and do alternating leg kicks in a fluttering motion. 

Mountain Climbers

Similar to flutter kicks, mountain climbers also engage your entire core, including your legs and shoulders. To do this, go in the plank position, and bring closer your knees to your chest alternatively in a running motion. Maintain stability throughout the core. 

Russian Twists

This exercise is for your obliques. It enhances your rotational strength. To do this, sit on the ground, bend your knees, hold a weight or keep your fingers interlocked, slightly lean back, and move your torso from side to side. 

Ab Rollouts

This workout targets your entire core. To do this, you have to kneel on the ground, hold an ab wheel or similar device with your hands, and start the game by rolling the wheel forward. Maintain a stable core while doing this and don’t overarch your lower back. 

What Can Be Sample Abdominal Workout Routine for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Ones?


  • Warm up for 5 minutes by jogging or brisk walking
  • Do 2 sets of 12-15 reps of simple crunches 
  • Do planks by holding for 30 seconds to 1 minute
  • Do 2 sets of 10-12 reps of reverse crunches 
  • Rest by stretching for 5 minutes. Target core muscles in this.  
running for warmup


  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes by doing jogging or jumping jacks
  • Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps of bicycle crunches for each side
  • Do side planks by holding for 30-45 seconds on each side
  • Do 3 sets of 12-15  reps of Russian twists on each side
  • Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps of leg raises
  • Rest by doing stretching for 5-10 minutes. Target core and surrounding muscles in this. 
girl stretching in the gym exercise best abs exercises


  • Warm up for 10-15 minutes by doing high knees or jumping rope
  • Do 4 sets of 8-10 reps of hanging leg raises
  • Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps of planks with left lift for each leg
  • Do 4 sets of 20-30 seconds of mountain climbers
  • Do 4 sets of 8-10 reps of ab rollouts
  • Rest by doing static stretching for 10-15 minutes.

What Mistakes to Avoid While Doing Abdominal Workouts?

  • Doing Only Crunches: Don’t rely on them solely. Combine crunches with a variety of other workouts and engage your maximum abdominal muscles.
  • Working Only on Your Abs: To maintain your overall body stability and strength, it’s important to include workouts that target all muscle groups in your routine. This approach helps prevent muscular imbalances.
  • Ignoring Rest and Recovery: Doing excessive training but having no rest and recovery period will make it impossible for you to achieve your fitness goals.  
  • Not Taking Proper Diet: Staying hydrated and maintaining a well-balanced diet is critically needed for having proper muscle growth for which you are working so hard. Otherwise you will compromise on your performance and recovery, and it will be hard for you to get your desired fitness targets. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I develop six packs by doing abs exercises alone?

No, for getting six-packs, you must go for a comprehensive approach. This approach includes strength training, cardio, and a healthy diet to reduce your weight and overall body fat. 

Can abdominal exercises help me reduce my belly fat?

This is difficult to have weight reduction at some specific point such as the belly through abdominal exercises. For belly fat loss, you must include exercises that focus on your overall fitness, have a healthy diet, and make healthy tweaks in your lifestyle. 

How often to train the abs?

To get the most effective results and keep safety considerations in mind, you must train 2-3 times per week and give proper time for your rest and recovery too.

How much do I have to wait to see the results of my abs exercises?

Your diet, genetics, intensity of workouts, and regularity all play a role in showing the results of your abdominal workouts. If you show full dedication and go for a balanced approach, you are likely to see visible improvements in your abdominal strength and definition in a few weeks to a few months. 


Abdominal workouts are the basis of your overall fitness as they make your core stable and strong, and improve your overall well-being too. Whether you go for traditional crunches or do ab rollouts, each exercise is capable of making your core strong and stable. For getting the best results, you must go for a comprehensive fitness approach which includes a healthy diet, strength training, flexibility workouts, and cardio. Show dedication, and be consistent and you will get your desired results in the form of well-defined abdominal muscles. Start your journey, be steadfast, overcome any challenges, and have a stronger and healthier core.


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