Shed Pounds Quickly: Uncover Secret Weight Loss Journey!

Shed Pounds Quickly: Uncover Secret Weight Loss Journey! post thumbnail

Hello, dear friends and readers! I invite you to take a seat, make yourself comfortable, and accompany me on a trip down memory lane. We’re about to embark on a comprehensive journey through the intricate maze that is my weight loss experience, complete with its many peaks and valleys, as well as a few unexpected deviations along the way.

weight gain

Overview of Weight Loss Journey

This blog is all about a roller-coaster ride of a weight loss journey full of twists and turns. The big game-changer? A mix of awesome at-home workouts, a total shake-up of eating habits, and a massive dose of self-love. From breaking a sweat with HIIT to testing limits with Pilates and pumping iron with strength training, it’s been one heck of a ride. And let’s not forget the food – bye-bye large portions and sweets! Hello, nutritious, yummy food. But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about the scale. It’s about feeling good in your own skin, being patient, and showing yourself some major love. Because at the end of the day, losing weight is a journey, not a finish line – and being kind to yourself is rule number one.

My Life as a Student Abroad: Weight Gain


Let’s take a journey back in time, specifically to the period spanning from 2018 to 2020. Picture me, a bright-eyed and somewhat naive student, just disembarking from my very first transatlantic flight. I was about to embark on an adventure, trying to find my place in an entirely new country with a culture vastly different from my own.

This was an incredibly significant phase of my life that was filled with a tumultuous mix of emotions – it was exhilarating, but at the same time, it was often overwhelming.

This period of my life was marked by a lifestyle that was far from routine or predictable. My days and nights were characterized by schedules that changed at a moment’s notice, and I often found myself studying late into the night. These cramming sessions were a testament to my commitment to my education, but they also bore the unmistakable hallmarks of a typical student’s life.

My diet during those years was nothing to be proud of – a classic testament to student life. It was dominated by fast food that offered a quick fix for my hunger and an excessive amount of caffeine to keep me awake during those late-night study sessions. Looking back, it was a time of learning and growth, not just academically, but personally as well.

The stressful nature of student life wasn’t solely academic. I also found myself wrestling with financial pressures and the need to find ways to support myself financially while also focusing on my studies. In an attempt to generate a small income and gain some valuable work experience, I took on the challenge of working three different jobs at the same time. I divided my time between serving in a cafeteria, working part-time in a fledgling startup, and assisting in teaching a Computer Network Class.

These were indeed demanding times, and the toll it took on my health was palpable. I ended up gaining about 7 kilograms of unhealthy weight. The mounting stress and the misguided coping mechanisms I employed, such as adopting a smoking habit and drinking alcohol, did nothing but add to my deteriorating health.


Rolling into 2020 to 2022, something clicked inside me. I started taking a good, hard look at myself and my health. After years of student life chaos and neglecting my well-being, I realized I needed to make some changes. Then COVID-19 hit, and like most folks, I found myself stuck at home.

With gyms off-limits and being told to stay indoors, I had to get creative with staying active. That’s when I stumbled upon Chole Ting’s High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts. Let me tell you, they were a game changer. Chole’s high-energy sessions were tough but so worth it.

But here’s the thing, while I was getting the hang of this exercise routine, my eating habits were still a mess. I was ordering takeout left, right, and center, and late-night snacking was my go-to comfort.

Despite working out like a champ, I just couldn’t shake off all the extra weight. But hey, it wasn’t all bad news. I found something that I loved – long evening walks. These walks became my daily dose of sanity, my time to clear my head, and just breathe in some fresh air.

As 2021 was packing up, it hit me. I’d been so focused on working out, that I’d overlooked what I was eating. To kick things up a notch, I moved to a new apartment in San Jose that had a gym in the building. Having a gym so close was just the push I needed to commit to working out every day and losing the extra weight.

The gym also had a bunch of pre-recorded workout sessions. I started trying out beginner Pilates workouts. They were tough and tested my endurance and flexibility. But with time and consistent effort, I saw results. My weight went down from 62 kilograms to 53 kilograms. How cool is that!

This weight loss journey wasn’t solely about exercise. I also made significant modifications to my eating habits. I made a conscious decision to cut my meal portions in half and to eliminate sweets from my diet entirely. These small but impactful changes resulted in considerable weight loss. I lost about 3 kilograms in just a month, and another 3 in the following month. I was over the moon with the results!

Moving forward to the period spanning 2022 to the present day. By this point, I had managed to bring my weight down to 53 kilograms. However, I was still smoking (weed), and this was having a negative effect on my health. I noticed a trembling in my hands and a noticeable decrease in my energy levels. This was a much-needed wake-up call. I realized that being skinny does not necessarily mean being healthy. I needed to find a healthy weight that would give me the energy to meet my daily requirements.

So, I embarked on a strength training journey and made some significant changes to my diet. I increased my portion sizes and focused on balanced, nutritious meals. I did regain some weight (up to 59 kilograms), but I felt much happier and more energetic. More importantly, I felt healthy and at peace with myself.

Looking back at these experiences, I realized how harshly we often treat our bodies. We obsess over our weight, engage in excessive eating, and then berate ourselves for losing control. If you find yourself stuck in this vicious cycle, take a deep breath, and ask yourself: what do you truly want? A thin body, or something more valuable, like happiness and good health? It’s essential to accept who you are right now and strive to be 1% better every day. Remember to be kind to yourself.

Mastering your day requires you to control your choices. You decide what to do, not your mood or impulsive thoughts. Self-control is a crucial ingredient in this process. Planning your day reduces the anxiety and uncertainty about the situation.

Now, let’s travel even further back to the years 2013 – 2016. During a summer vacation in Goa, India, I gained 10 kilograms. My sister and I reveled in the local cuisine, feasting on pizza, burgers, and all sorts of street food every single day for almost a month. I also went through a phase where I despised physical activity and preferred to spend my time lazing around, watching television, or mindlessly scrolling through my phone.

Looking back, I realize that frequent dining out was a major contributor to my weight gain. A blunt comment about my weight gain from a college junior sparked a change in me. I started running every morning or evening and eating home-cooked meals. The result? I lost the weight quickly and returned to a healthy weight range of 52-53 kilograms.

From 2016 – 2018, I entered a new phase in my life, which I affectionately refer to as my “gym phase.” It was the first time I had ever joined a gym, and I was initially very intimidated. I started with cardio because that was what I was comfortable with at the time. However, one of the trainers suggested weight training, and I instantly fell in love with it.

During this phase, I made significant changes to my diet. I stopped consuming sugar entirely (a terrifying prospect, indeed!) after realizing that sugar accelerates the aging process. I also increased my protein intake to fuel my workouts, consuming 6 – 7 eggs a day.

After about two years of consistent workouts, I maintained a steady weight of 57 kilograms. Looking back, I am grateful to the person who encouraged me to join the gym. I believe it’s now my responsibility to spread the message of fitness to others in my community.

In conclusion, it’s important to bear in mind that there isn’t just one definitive path to losing weight. Everyone’s body is unique, and therefore, what might work wonders for one person might not have the same effect for another. The trick, then, is to find the method or combination of methods that aligns best with you and your energy needs.

For instance, one method you might consider is reducing your meal portion size by half. This doesn’t have to mean going hungry – you can still enjoy all your favorite foods, just in moderation. Coupled with consistent exercise, this could be an effective way to shed those extra pounds.

Alternatively, you might opt to focus more on cardio exercises. Regular cardio can boost your metabolism, helping your body to burn calories more efficiently. Limiting eating out can also contribute to this, as you’ll have more control over what goes into your meals and can avoid the often high-calorie options offered at restaurants.

A third option could be to embark on a strength training journey. Strength training is not only great for building muscle, but it also helps in burning fat. This, combined with the adoption of a healthy lifestyle – which might include things like getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and reducing stress – can lead to significant weight loss over time.

Most importantly, though, don’t forget that your happiness should always be your top priority. Losing weight shouldn’t come at the cost of your well-being. Remember to love and care for yourself throughout your weight loss journey, and don’t be too hard on yourself if progress seems slow. Weight loss is a journey, not a destination.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Have you had similar experiences with weight management? Do you have any tips to share? Feel free to leave a comment below, and let’s get the conversation started!

Remember, the fundamental goal in our journey is continual progress and not absolute perfection. It is crucial that we are gentle and kind to ourselves as we navigate through life’s challenges. This kindness should not only be extended to those who are around us, but it is of paramount importance that we shower that same level of kindness on ourselves.

Just like the ripples in a pond, the kindness that we show to ourselves can extend outwards, positively influencing those who are in our circle. This is why it is so essential to keep this cycle of kindness going.

Please be sure to catch up with our conversation next week. I am thrilled and excited about sharing more tips and tricks that have helped me in my own journey. I hope that these insights will be beneficial to you and make your journey a little bit easier.

Moreover, make sure to stay tuned for next week’s blog post. I will be breaking down my current diet plan in that blog post. This diet plan has helped me to maintain a healthy lifestyle and I am looking forward to sharing it with you all. I believe it can be an excellent resource for those of you who are looking to make improvements in your own lifestyle. So, don’t miss out on that!


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