The Best Natural Pre-Workout 

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Every person focused on fitness aims to hit the gym with full force and a good energy level in order to make the most of the workout exercises without feeling exhausted or tired.

But we all have some days when we come back from work feeling exhausted to be working out.

When you try to drag the exhausted to the gym, lifting weights and running on the treadmill feel more challenging than climbing Mount Everest.

But hey! What do you expect after a busy, tiring day?

The question is, then, how does a person work out after an exhausting day?

In the effort to figure it out, you probably have heard some people talk about pre-workout supplements and energy drinks that come with the promise of giving you the energy to lift heavier weights and run faster, hence making working out more efficient.

But what they don’t tell you is how you quickly get addicted to them, upping your heart rate and blood pressure, giving you a headache, dehydration, insomnia, and possibly diarrhea.

You probably are wondering how, then, you should work out after an exhausting day without relying on these harmful substances.

Well, the solution is going back to natural pre-workout.

You need not worry about how to approach natural pre-workouts because, in this article, we have prepared the best natural pre-workouts and how to access them.

So, relax and read on!

What Is Pre-Workout?

Let’s start by understanding what a pre-work means.

Pre-workout refers to a dietary supplement that is aimed at enhancing performance during your training session.

Pre-workouts help increase your mental focus and improve muscle mass and endurance. Certain pre-workouts are all-purpose, while others focus on specific aspects of your training that you want to improve.

Our focus is on natural pre-workout. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers the term “natural” to mean that no artificial or synthetic substance has been added to a food.

Here are some of the best natural pre-workout ingredients that will give you that energy kick without adverse side effects. Have a look!

Best Natural Pre-Workout

Green Tea Extract

Having some caffeine before your workout exercises has been shown to increase strength, speed, endurance, and power.

But you probably are worried about doing coffee due to other associated risks.

Good news: green tea extract may be an excellent pick for your natural pre-workout.

It does not only have caffeine but also boasts the amino acid L-theanine, which significantly improves focus and antioxidants that help support recovery after your workout exercise.


Oats are one of the richest sources of fiber, and they take time to digest.

They, therefore, release blood sugar into the bloodstream gradually, thus keeping you energetic for a more extended period.

Therefore, when adding natural pre-workout consider taking your oats an hour or two prior to your workout to avoid turning up to your workout exercise with a full belly, but stay energetic.

Turmeric and black pepper

We frequently associate turmeric with tea or curries.

But did you ever imagine that turmeric may be a helpful natural pre-workout ingredient, too?

Well, this earthy spice contains curcumin, which significantly helps increase your levels of nitric oxide, which helps increase blood flow to your muscles during your workout.

However, it is essential to note that curcumin is difficult for your body to use on its own.

Therefore, when adding it to your pre-workout, you should consider including piperine, the active component of black pepper, which increases curcumin’s bioavailability.


Famously said, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

But did you know that an apple before a workout can keep exhaustion at bay as well?

Just as coffee does, apples are good natural pre-workouts that provide an excellent energy boost to our bodies.

They have a high natural sugar content, which gives your body an instant energy boost.

You should, therefore, consider replacing your caffeine-rich coffee with apples as the healthier pre-workout alternative.

Beetroot juice

Do you love juice? What about a healthy beetroot juice as your natural pre-workout?

You probably have not figured that out before.

Beets contain nitrates, which significantly help increase endurance, improve blood pressure, and boost your oxygen uptake when exercising.

When you have more endurance and more efficient breathing, your workout becomes better.


Betaine is found in foods like spinach, sweet potato, and quinoa.

Adding betaine to your natural pre-workout can have a positive impact on muscle size, power, and work capacity.

When focused on an explosive workout, consider adding some betaine to improve your endurance.


Bananas are an easy grab and a favorite natural pre-workout fruit for many athletes and workout enthusiasts.

It is an instant energy spike in the body.

Banana has a healthy blend of natural sugars and the nutritional value of nutrients like vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and fiber that are essential when hitting the gym in full swing.

Having bananas before and during prolonged and intensive exercises helps increase exercise performance.

Keeping It Natural

If you are on the hunt for a natural pre-workout, you are concerned about what you put into your body.

The good news is that you can still make it delicious and yummy and maintain the health benefits by preparing all-natural concoctions.

The best natural pre-workout ingredients are the ones that match your goals.

Here are some delicious and easy pre-workout recipes you can make at home! Save your money and time with these affordable DIY recipes. Check out the links below!


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